Big Bubbas Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin


1 large pork loin
10-15 pieces of thick cut bacon
2 green peppers
1 large onion
2 cup chopped mushrooms
1 bottle of smokey horseradish sauce
2 cups brown sugar
1/4 cup Dr. lynches miracle powder
1/4 cup oregano
1 bottle of your favorite beer  (i suggest angry orchard)
cooking string


mix the brown sugar, oregano, and miracle powder in a bowel and set aside

chop up the peppers and onion and mix with mushrooms in a bowl and set aside

take your pork loin and cut down the center leaving about 1/3in spine on the bottom

now cut down the two halves of the pork loin the same as before.

take the dry spice mix and rub the pork loin inside and out (make sure to cover it well)

stuff the three cuts you made in the pork loin with the peppers, onions, and mushrooms then pour about half of a bottle of smokey horseradish over them

take you pork loin and use your cooking string to tie it back together (i suggest 1 at each end and 1 in the middle)

now take your bacon strips and wrap the pork loin until the outside is covered.

sprinkle a little more of the dry spices over to top of your pork loin

now take some tinfoil and make a boat for the pork loin to sit in and place in a large baking dish, add the beer and seal the top of the foil boat leaving a small hole at each end.

cook at 250-300 for 2 and a half 3 hours (until pork is cooked all the way through)

take out of oven open top of your tinfoil  boat and let stand for 5-10 min before serving

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