New TorchBearer Blog!
Hey everyone! Andy from TorchBearer here to tell you we are starting a blog. We will be updating this page on a regular basis with news, fun pics, recipes, weird stuff we do, and whatever else our saucy hearts desire. We’d also love to have you be a part of it so if you guys have ideas, recipes, stories and more, let me know at and you just might see your stuff here! There’s so much going on at TorchBearer right now and we want to share it with you. Thanks and we’ll see you soon!

Andy – the Marketing & Sales Manager | Sauce Wizard, full-time foodie, and lover of all things hot sauce. He’s got a serious thing for flavor and spice, which is why he’s been on his own personal mission to crown the best hot sauce EVER (though his indecisiveness really keeps getting in his way). Some of his current favorite Torchbearer Sauces include Son of Zombie, Garlic Reaper, and Mushroom Mayhem, but ask him next week and the answer might change. He also hopes to be on First We Feast’s Hot Ones one day, if Sean would finally just answer his emails…