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Garlic Trio | 3 Bottles with Box | 5oz



Our garlic sauces have consistently been some of our most popular since we brought out Oh My Garlic years ago. That full garlic flavor, silky texture, and limitless food pairing options make these sauces indispensable for any sauce lover. Now you can get both our award winning sauces, Oh My Garlic and Garlic Reaper, along with the soon-to-be-famous Garlic Habanero in a handy pack of 3 5oz bottles!

Oh My Garlic – Our first ever garlic sauce is completely heat free, dairy free, and sugar free! You can grill with it, add it to pasta dishes, use it as a white sauce for pizza, top a salad with it, or just put it on anything you love eating.

Garlic Habanero – Take our original best-selling sauce, Oh My Garlic, and spice it up a bit with some habanero peppers and you have this wonderful sauce. It’s great on everything you eat, especially wings, sandwiches, and pasta, and gives you just the right of kick without going overboard.

Garlic Reaper – For a few years now Garlic Reaper has been our #1 seller and with good reason. It’s taste is undeniable and the heat that follows can be surprising, to say the least. After it’s appearance on Hot Ones, season 8 this sauce flew out of our warehouse to the point where we were having a little trouble keeping up. This isn’t for the spice novice but can still be appreciated by all with the right amount in the right dish.

Garlic Trio | 3 Bottles with Box | 5oz
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